Terms and Conditions

Thank you for using this website.

Please review these phrases of service carefully.

By using any Site, you indicate that you have read and accepted these Terms. If you do not consent to these terms & conditions, please abstain from operating the site.

  1. Parties: The parties to these Terms of Use are you and the owner of this https://www.huneybuney.com/ website. All references to “us”, “we”, “our”, this “website” or this “site” shall construct to represent this website business.
  2. Scope of Terms of use: Subject to these Terms of Services and our Privacy Policy, govern Your usage of the website and all software, applications, and services available via the Website, except to the scope that such services are the topic of an individual agreement. You may utilise the general areas of this site, but just for your internal purposes. Specific terms or agreements may apply to the use of certain Services and other items provided to You via the Website (“Service Agreement(s)”). Any such Service Agreements will accompany the significant Services or stand listed in connection therewith or via a hyperlink connected therewith.
  3. Modification: We may secure the privilege to modify these Terms of Use at any moment. Your continued usage of the Web Site, after any adaptations to these Terms of Use, will consider as acceptance of such modifications. Without prior notice, any element of the Website may be increased, changed, deleted, or edited. You should scroll to the lowest of this page periodically to examine website modifications.
  4. Privacy Notice: Regarding any person whose private data has been presented by You to our website, You represent to Huney Buney that You have received all required consents for the processing of such confidential data considered by the Services.
  5. Licence and Ownership: Any intellectual property privileges (“Intellectual Property”) linked with the Web Site and its contents (the “Content”) are the sole property of Huney Buney, its affiliates or a third party. The page content has been preserved by Intellectual Property under the Laws of the USA and other countries. Features of the Web Site covered by trade secrets, trade names, unfair competition, and other laws, and may not be imitated or copied in whole or part. All tailored icons, graphics, and other objects on the Web Site are brands, service marks or trade names (“Marks”) of Huney Buney, its affiliates or another entity. They have granted Huney Buney the privilege and licence to use such Marks and may not be used or meddled with in any way without the express written permission of Huney Buney. Except as otherwise clearly permitted by these Terms of Services, You may not reproduce, copy, change, amend, lease, and/or upload, create imitative works from, transmit, and/or circulate the Intellectual Property of the Website in any way without Huney Buney’s initial written permission. Except as expressly delivered herein, Huney Buney does not grant You any express or implied rights to the Intellectual Property of Huney Buney or any third party.
  6. Hence Huney Buney approves You a personal, limited, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable privilege to (a) use and access only the Content, Web Site, and Services just in the way implied by Huney Buney, and (b) access and use the Huney Buney computer and network services offered within the Web Site (the “Huney Buney Systems”) only in the manner expressly permitted by Huney Buney. Besides this limited license, Huney Buney does not obtain any interest in or to the Huney Buney Systems, data available via the Huney Buney Systems Services, Content, Web Site or any other Huney Buney property by enabling You to the Web Site. Excluding the extent mandated by Law or as given, none of the data or content may be changed, reproduced, amended, republished, decoded into any language or computer language, re-transmitted in any form or by any means, resold or redistributed without the prior written consent of Huney Buney.
  7. Limitations on Use Of The Website: In expansion to additional constraints outlined in these Terms of Use, You consent that:
  • You shall not hide the source of information conveyed through the Web Site.
  • You will not set false or untruthful information on the Web Site.
  • You shall not use or access any information, service, application, or software via the Web Site in a way not clearly entitled by Huney Buney.
  • You will not upload or input to the Web Site any data that may include viruses, worms, Trojan horses, time bombs or other computer programming routines, time bombs, or other computer programming routines are strictly prohibited.
  • Specific areas of the Web Site have bounded to customers of Huney Buney.
  • You may not access the Web Site or the Huney Buney Services or systems in any manner that affects the performance or function of the Huney Buney Systems, website, or services.
  • You may not articulate or use framing methods to hold any part or aspect of the data or content without the express written consent of Huney Buney.



  • Outbound Links: The Web Site may include associations with third-party Web Sites and resources (referred to as Linked Sites). These Linked Sites have given convenience to You and not as approved by Huney Buney of the content of such Linked Sites.
  • Huney Buney makes no terms or assurances about the accuracy, correctness, performance or rate of any content, service, or application discovered at any Linked Site. If You decide to access Linked Sites, You do so on Your own. In addition, Your usage of Linked Sites is subject to relevant policies and terms and conditions of service, containing but not specified in the Linked web site privacy policy.
  • Inbound Links: Connecting to any Web Site page other than to https://www.huneybuney.com/ through a simple text link is prohibited in the lack of a respective linkage agreement with Huney Buney. Any website or additional devices that link to https://www.huneybuney.com/ or any page known therein has been prohibited from replicating content,
  • using a browser or border environment around the content,
  • Implicit in any manner that Huney Buney or any of its affiliates approve it or its products,
  • Falsifying any state of facts, including its association with Huney Buney or any of the affiliates,
  • Illustrating any inaccurate data about Huney Buney services and
  • operating any logo or mark of Huney Buney or any of its affiliates without written consent from Huney Buney.



You approve that Huney Buney may terminate or discontinue Your usage of the Web Site, the Huney Buney Systems, Information, Services and Scope at any moment for any or no basis at its sole preference, even if access and usage resume to be privileged to others. Upon such suspension or termination, You must instantly quit Your use of the Web Site and demolish any documents You may contain any portion of the content. Accessing this Web Site, the Huney Buney Information, Systems, or Services behind the such suspension, termination, or discontinuation shall possess an action of trespass.

Limitation of Liability

To the period permitted by Law, in no event shall Huney Buney, its licensors, affiliates, any third parties, or suppliers noted on the website be accountable for any direct, incidental, exemplary, indirect, punitive and/or failed profits or significant damages. Or any damages from failed data or enterprise interruption created from the usage of and/or incapability to use the website, the Huney Buney methods, services, data, or the content whether established on contract, warranty, delict, tort, or any different legal foundation, and whether or not Huney Buney presented of the prospect of such damages.

To the extent privileged by Law, the remedies stated for you in these terms of use are exclusive and limited to those expressly provided herein.

Compliance With Law added Export Control:

You approve the usage of Web Site in rigid compliance with all relevant rulings, laws, and limitations and in a way that does not, in the sole judgment of Huney Buney, negatively show the benevolence or reputation of Huney Buney. You shall endure no such action which might cause Huney Buney to violate any laws, rulings or regulations applicable to Huney Buney.

Huney Buney Web Site has launched in the United States, and any personal data we collect on this site will be held and processed on our servers discovered only in the United States. If you live beyond the United States, you consent to share personal data outside your country of residence with the United States.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

This Agreement has been assembled under the laws of Texas, USA, except for rules involving conflicts of Law.


You may not reserve these Terms of Services or any of Your rights, interests, or obligations beneath these Terms of Services. Somehow, any condition of these Terms of Services shall find to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction shall not affect the fact of the remaining prerequisites of these Terms of Services, which shall stay in full force and impact. No waiver of any of these Terms of Service shall deem an added or resuming waiver of such condition or term or any additional condition or term. You may retain these Terms of Services in written form by printing these for Your copies, and You waive any further necessity for these Terms of Services to be verified using a written record.