Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us, so we take your online privacy on our website seriously. This page notifies you of our guidelines regarding the use, collection, and disclosure of private data when you look for our services and the preferences you have associated with that data. We use the data to provide and enhance the service and treat your private info as securely and safely as possible. This policy also represents your choices covering how we use information about you, including how you can resist specific uses of data and how you can access and update precise data about you.

Before operating the service or submitting any private data to Huney Buney, please check this Privacy Policy carefully and reach us if you have any questions. By using the service, you consent to the collection and usage of data following this policy.

Upon disagreement, do not access or accept our service or interact with any different part of our business.


Service: The service is the website operated by Huney Buney
Private Data: Private Data signifies data about a living individual who can recognise from those data (or from those and further details, either in our control or possibly to come into our control).
Cookies: Cookies are tiny parts of data kept on your device (mobile or computer device).